Supporting Recovery
Empowering Growth
Providing Behavioral Health Services to Bellingham and surrounding communities
Lake Whatcom Residential and Treatment Center (LWC), is a DSHS and DOH licensed not-for-profit organization providing an array of residential and community mental health services to adults with severe and persistent mental illness in Whatcom County and surrounding communities.
Understanding severe and persistent mental illness means meeting the clients’ needs and understanding their ability to attain their goal of recovery.
This is the foundation of care that clients receive at LWC. We provide assistance with housing, employment and education, financial and legal issues, psychiatric and medical care, and social and personal growth.
“It feels so healing just to be here. The atmosphere here is wonderful.”
— LWC Staff Member
Our Services
Residential Services
24-hour supervised living programs specialize in clients who wish to transition into the community as well as those who require long-term care. Lake Whatcom Center owns multiple Assisted Living Facilities for persons with co-occurring mental health and substance use diagnoses.
Clinical Services
Lake Whatcom Center’s clinical programs offer individualized support for people with chronic mental illness to reach treatment outcomes and goals. With both home and community-based treatment programs, team members work together to provide intensive, coordinated and integrated care. We value and recognize each person’s uniqueness and diversity, and meet them where they are in their journey through recovery.
Independent Living
Lake Whatcom Center operates eight apartment complexes providing safe and affordable housing in the community. Most of our apartments are two bedroom and are therefore shared with a roommate. All apartments are completely furnished and supplied with all kitchen utensils, linens and small appliances. Lake Whatcom Center works with community parners to help clients with rental assistance and subsidies.
LWC’s purpose is to provide residential care, community outpatient mental health programs, and treatment in a psycho-social rehabilitation model for chronically mentally ill adults to facilitate their achieving and maintaining an optimal level of independence, health, and fulfillment.
Don’t think you can afford care? Learn about our Sliding Fee Scale Discount Program
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LWC will not discriminate in the provision of behavioral health and health care services to any individual due to the individual being unable to pay for their behavioral health and/or health care services, due to payment for services being made under Medicare, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or based on the individual’s race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, religion, gender identify or sexual orientation. A discounted/sliding fee schedule is available based on family size and income.
“I didn’t know what to expect, but when I saw the woods and trees, I was sold. I knew it was my home.”
— Agate Heights Resident Client
Address Book
Orchard Outpatient Office
3600 Meridian St.
Bellingham, WA 98225Front Desk: (360) 676 - 6000
Agate Heights Boarding Home
3400 Agate Heights Rd.
Bellingham, WA 98226Phone: (360) 676 - 7530
Baker Creek Facility
1641 Baker Creek Pl.
Bellingham, WA 98226Front Desk: (360) 398 - 5300
1725 E Sunset Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Fax Number
(360) 676 - 6006
“It’s a place where I can go to find safety”
— Agate Heights Resident Client