Our Services
Orchard Outpatient Office
Our primary office is where our CCM, IOP, PACT, Therapy, Medical, Employment, Payee, Directors, and Administrative teams work collaboratively under one roof.
Lake Whatcom Center
Orchard Outpatient Office
3600 Meridian St
Bellingham, WA 98225
Assisted Living
Specializing in clients who wish to transition into the community as well as those who require long-term care
Residential Treatment
An innovative residential treatment option for people with co-occurring mental health and substance use diagnoses
Independent Living
Lake Whatcom Center operates eight apartment complexes providing safe and affordable housing in the community
Enhanced Services Facility
Specializes in providing recovery-oriented community based residential behavioral health services
Community Case Management
Individualized support for people with chronic mental illness to reach treatment outcomes
IOP Program
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a home and community-based treatment program
PACT Program
Program for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) is a person-centered recovery oriented mental health service
Holistic Engagement through Allied Recovery & Treatment
A supplemental service that supports individuals in gaining insight into their experience with their mental health
Employment Services
Assistance in determining employability, employment exploration and preparation, job placement, and job retention